Hi, I'm Lylelana. I'm here to help you remember who you truly are. Through my unique methodology that combines Astrology, Akashic Records, Holistic Life Coaching, and Intuitive Guidance,
I'll guide you on a journey of self-discovery to uncover your unique soul's blueprint, unique gifts and help you discover who you are meant to become in this lifetime.
I help empower women to reawaken their true selves so that they can gain clarity around life’s biggest decisions, fulfill their unique purpose on the planet, and live a fun, passionate fulfilled life.
I work with powerful, ambitious, and creative women who know themselves incredibly well and who are obsessed with learning personal growth and development and spirituality but who also
love a grounded approach that will help them get clearer
on life’s bigger questions, give them a roadmap and practical steps they can take to move forward.
I know what it’s like to have a big dream and vision for your life having been an immigrant coming to New York City.
I worked my way up the corporate ladder in the fashion industry
and made my dreams come true. However, despite all that success,
I was suffering and struggling, confused If I was on the right path.
I asked myself, “Is this it?” I no longer feel happy and fulfilled
with my life on a deeper level.
Deep down, I know I was meant for more.
I took a leap of faith and quit my stable and secure job to pursue my passions, life's purpose, and follow what lights my soul on fire.
I explored and became a student of different healing modalities from Shamanism, Institute for Integrative Nutrition,
Dharma Coaching Institute, Debra Silverman
School of Astrology and London School of Astrology with Frank Clifford.
I do believe the work works when you do the inner work because
it all starts with you.
I’m a Cancer Sun, Scorpio Rising. I am passionate about karaoke, doing triathlons, surfing, yoga, playing with animals,
and going on adventures around the globe.